What up my brothas and sistas?
I received this question earlier today, so I thought I would address it blogwide.
Dear Manni,
Yours Truly,
-Inquisitive MonkeyGood question, Monkey. This first week is rough in general, but after several days, your body should start figuring out how to manage energy (in a different than previously, aka [before Paleo], manner). Sometimes it may take one's body a bit longer to acclimate. This may be dependent on various factors including, what your nutritional intake was prior to changing your diet, independent physiology, age, rest/unrest, stress.... the list goes on. Rememeber that your body is transitioning to utilization of fat as your primary source of energy. Also, you have probably been eating crazy amounts of starches (Hell, I ate half a cake on the weekend prior to Paleo Challenge's commencement) before you began being Paleo.
Hopefully, by now your lethargy/headachey-ness should be waning. The mainstream would call this phenomena "The Low-Carb Flu", but it is more correct to think about it as "The Detox-From-So-Freakin-Much-Crap-Carbohydrates-That-You-Had-Been-Eating Flu"! I will be honest with you, I have heard about some people complaining about these and other symptoms for as long as a couple of weeks before their body decides to act right. Bear in mind that, you're rewiring your circuitry.
In addition, you inquisitive little monkey, to the aforementioned circumstances/causes there may be several other possible factors, or combination of factors, at play which may be contributing to your "impotence".
- Your nutrition prior to your workout wasn't adequate/optimal/sufficient to keep your energy levels.
- You weren't well rested. You may blame this on your hectic week if you want, it is certainly a valid thought. Sleep, damn you, sleep.
- Is it possible that you were just having an "off" day? ("Wrong side of the bed"-type scenario?)
These aren't the only ones that come to mind, but these are the most likely. I'd venture to say that it's a little of each and independant physiology. I doubt, however, that received the short stick and will continue on suffering for a while. Try to remember what you ate during the last 12-24 hours (prior to your workout) and scrutinize it. Did you have enough FAT, Carbohydates, and Protein? Remember, you don't necessarily need to dramatically increase your protein intake (most active people do well with 1-2 kgs of protein per 1 kg of body weight), you need only to ensure that you aren't consuming too much [bad for you] foods.
As far as tomorrow is concerned, make sure to rest adequately and I suggest you have a light snack (perhaps, 1/2 a banana, a bit of almond butter, and a piece or two of jerky - for example) sometime before your beast workout. Don't worry, it won't count against your 1 piece of fruit permitted per day :-)
-El Leon Negro
So there you have it. I hope that this may help some of you guys out. Feel free to ask anything you want. We can all get our learn 'on together.
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