I like to WOD, I like to cook and eat, and I like to talk all sorts of whatever.
If you're looking for run WODs, foodstuffs, sparse "sciency" info
(typically r/t exercise and physiology) and random soap-boxing....
read on, bitches:

21 October 2011

22 Oct Run WOD

Hey party people. If you are interested in a nice run WOD, here is one that'll leave you happy you asked for one. It is quite simple. Now remember, you have to keep all out efforts every single time. NO need to conserve energy. Get out there and kick your own ass!

[10 x 30 seconds] - max effort, 
rest 2:00 between each rep

11 October 2011

Paleo Recipe: Poached Eggs

Hello friendly faces. I just had the great snack.
So good, in fact, that I had to post it.
Is it really that spectacular? Maybe, maybe not. Answer me this? Do you like huevos?
Well, I put together a quick snack that tasted just splendid.
The best part - it took about ten minutes to put together.

Here it is:
2 poached eggs + 1 tomato (med to large in size) + salt & pepper (to taste)
  • Step 1: Poach 2 eggs 
    • bring water to a boil (roughly 165 to 180 degrees; small bubbles, not rapid boil)
    • add 1oz of white vinegar per qt. and a tsp of salt, stir, then add egg(s)
    • once the egg whites have coagulated and begin to float, they're almost done. I put mine in for about 4 minutes
  • Step 2: Cut your tomato in half and hollow it out using a knife or spoon.
    • this can be done as your egg(s) poaches
    • dispose of the tomato innards (I ate mine, because tomato guts are tasty)
    • sprinkle a bit of salt & pepper into hollow tomato (to taste)
  • Step 3: Combine eggs and tomato
    • remove eggs from the water, place them on a paper towel to remove excess water 
    • place eggs in tomato
    • salt & pepper (or other spices) to taste
  • Step 4: Put the food in your face!
    • pick up the completed tomato with egg and spices
    • open your face hole
    • put it in your face hole
    • enjoy   :-D
Here are some notes for consideration:
  1. High quality and fresh eggs are the best tasting ones.
  2. If you use a brown vinegar and a more than an ounce, the outer portion of your egg whites will vary in taste. Personally, I like using more than an oz of brown vinegar because it makes the egg feel and taste more like a burrata (but only slightly)
  3. I topped my food with salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar, and some sriracha hot sauce. Try them with some fresh basil.
  4. Here is a video link for egg poaching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7BVsBtVcUY
  5. I quickly put the eggs on and then off the paper towel because I wanted the heat of the eggs to warm up my tomato.... mmmmm.
I washed my snack down with a small glass of [Dark Chocolate Almond Milk]. It is kinda-sorta Paleo. It has evaporated cane juice in it as a sweetening agent. It really does the trick when you need a choco fix.
Paired up with some good protein, it is a very satisfying snack/small meal (just add some veggies on the side to munch on).

Don't mess up your efforts.
Exhibit some stick-to-it-iveness!


Cocoa Roast Almonds

I would like to applaud everyone who is embarking on the Paleo Challenge. You guys are awesome!

Although, I am not (my self-control when it comes to food is very limited) doing the Paleo Challenge, Jared is attempting to be Paleo while in Afghanistan. And it is harder than you would think since they don't have a kitchen in their rooms (which are the size of a shoe box). So I have been on the prowl for snacks that are as close to Paleo as possible to ship to him.

I have found one that I feel is the ultimate Paleo snack - Emerald Cocoa Roast Almonds.

Manni may have to have the final word on these, but from my calculations I don't see anything that prohibits these from being Paleo.


06 October 2011

keeping accountable...

.hey guys! i just wanted to make very public my goal of not eating after 8 p.m. during this paleo challenge. my biggest weakness is eating late at night and i feel like that's a lot of what is getting in the way of my goals. so from now on, if i eat after 8 p.m., I am going to consider it a cheat and i need some sort of punishment....any ideas??? Thanks for reading. ;)

02 October 2011

The Black Lion Blog is back... again (again)

What up chicks and dudes?
Welcome to the Black Lion Blog. I hope you are ready for another dose of Paleo living. Well, minus the actual hunting and gathering of foods... nor the need to live in caves or create shelters from either wood or stone... nor the need to ferment grapes in animal stomachs for wine... nor the needing to run from predatory animals... also, we need to work jobs to survive... ok, let's just say PALEO EATING

Welcome to the Black Lion Blog. I hope you are ready for another dose of Paleo-style Eating (yeah, I like that better). Lucky for some of us, we already know what it is like to eat with a Paleo mindset. Alls you need to do is scroll over to the other Pages in this blog to remind yourself of the guidelines to the Paleo Challenge. I have said it before - Going Paleo is not torture nor some type of punishment; it is an opportunity! An opportunity to learn more about yourself, your ability to be disciplined, and to learn the role that adequate nutrition plays in your athletic performances as well as your activities of daily living.

You may have also heard me say - " YOU CANNOT OUTPERFORM SH!TTY NUTRITION". Giving your body the best foods that have been proven to provide better performance output is comparable to using high octane gas in a high performance vehicle! 
(yes, you are a car in this simile)

This Paleo Challenge starts Monday, October 3rd. That way, you can get your last day of Foosball, beer, and pizza out of the way. Besides, it is easier to start something like this on a day in which you are already running on some type of schedule. The preliminary rules and guidelines have been established and shared, there will be a slight tweak or two. 
This blog will remain multi-purpose. Everyone that is part of the Challenge can have access to post onto the blog. In this blog, you can enter your thoughts, ramblings, or any other pertinent information. Key word "pertinent". This isn't your FB or twitter account; people (or at least I) couldn't care less that your status is currently "shots, shots, shots" or "mmmm, waiting on my waffles" or "ouch these boots hurt" or any other poignantly idiotic non-issues which make you "ROTFLMFAO". Nope, not me, I could not give a f*ck about any of that. I have a decent sized storage unit in College Park with plenty of room. One half is stocked with seasonal clothing, some furniture, a couple books, and my mountain bike. The other half is stocked with f*cks. Lots of f*cks - varying in shapes, sizes, colors, and viscosities. More f*ucks than one man really needs, enough to outlast Jared's post-apocalyptic Twinkie supply. Still, I find myself unable to give one single f*ck about your inconsequential FB/twitter status update that says nothing more than "it's raining". Really? Really dude" It is raining? Thank you for broadcasting this monumental information; somehow I am unable to look out my bloody window and prospect this information on my own! 

I digress, forgive me my friends. 
What were we talking about?
Ah yes, when you post on the blog, feel free to share something PC related. Tell us what you ate in order to stay Paleo today, share a great new recipe, put together a potluck - do anything that will ensure your and everybody else's success. This is your challenge, make the most out of it and stay on task. Don't lie to yourself and don't cheat yourself. Nobody loves you as much as you do, so do something good for yourself.

The Black Lion

ps - Yes, I basically used the same post which kicked off the previous PC