I like to WOD, I like to cook and eat, and I like to talk all sorts of whatever.
If you're looking for run WODs, foodstuffs, sparse "sciency" info
(typically r/t exercise and physiology) and random soap-boxing....
read on, bitches:

07 November 2011


I like you guys, well most of you at least...
The other day (morning)Brad and I were having a discussion about eggs. He told me that one egg contains 90% of RDA of cholesterol. I told him I didn't believe that to be true, but it also depends on the type of egg that you consume - meaning that pastured eggs are more nutritious than caged ones. We then gave each other a challenging stare coupled with a nod as he defied me to prove it.
Well, I, ever so full of nutritional data facts curiosity and the all too occasional bout of insomnia spent some time seeking reputable information.

Cholesterol content in an egg:
The RDA of cholesterol for the average person is 300mg. According to the nutritional data provided by the USDA'swebsite - which incidentally is a pretty good source of acquiring nutritional data due to the complexity of provided information - a large sized raw egg contains roughly 186mg of cholesterol. When we math that, it turns out to be 62% of your RDA. Other sites, such as nutritiondata.com  gave me a read of 212mg for one large egg, which equates to 71% of your RDA for cholesterol. Alright, let's put this part of the discussion on the back burner and set it to simmer.

Pastured eggs - vs - caged eggs:
touch it you want it to enlarge...
Pastured eggs, meaning eggs from chickens that are free to forage for grass and insects, are of much higher nutritional quality than eggs from confinement chickens (aka, factory farms). The marginal increase in value, of course, is found mostly in the yolk.
Insects provide a higher DHA content, found exclusive in the yolk, and grass provides a higher vitamin E and carotene content, also found exclusively in the yolk. Egg yolks from pastured chickens are thus a powerful supplement to a healthy diet — a super-food — providing necessary nutrients in which the Standard American Diet is deficient.

Of the several articles I read whilst searching the nutritional differences between pastured and confined eggs, the one that seemed to be most reputable was in [motherearthnews.com]. The good folks at NatGeo, and Good Food U were among the ones who cited this study. It focused on confined eggs vs. eggs from 14 different farms throughout the country and it was done by an accredited laboratory in Portland, OR. The study found that, compared to official USDA nutrient data for commercial eggs, eggs from hens raised on pasture may contain:
touch it if you want it to enlarge... 

  • 1/3 less cholesterol
  • 1/4 less saturated fat
  • 2/3 more vit - A
  • 3 times more vit - E
  • 7 times more beta carotene
  • 4 to 6 times as much vit - D
  • 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids

Ok, now lets address some of possible gripes. 
You can argue that the study I found is biased - which humors me, because we can easily say that all studies will contain some type of bias. Perhaps the website (motherearthnews.com) sounds as if it is too hippie/owl-cuddling/granola for you. That is a valid thought. I spent a lot of time looking for studies from a major university or college to no avail. Several websites, nutritional blogs, and magazines recurrently cited the aforementioned hippie-sounding website. So I referenced it because the information seemed legit. 
Without spending too much time on a soapbox, I would like to opinionate that: Part of reason these type of studies don't exist from major names is because most of the money to pay for big studies is in the hands of these large factory brands that have great influence on the USDA. The USDA will have you believe that all eggs are created equal, just as all vegetables, whether organic or not, are equal. Somehow the output from a chicken doesn’t depend on the inputs in the USDA’s world, which is frankly a ridiculous assumption. 
So.... perhaps a chicken is a little computer program that always puts out the perfect solution, regardless of how much craptacular garbage you fed into the program. I think it's rubbish. Either way, the concept of getting away from factory farms is still new. What our grandparents once called food, we now call organic food. Ok, so I stayed on the soapbox for quite a bit.... sorry. Those are strictly my thought on the matter.

Anyways, both (morning)Brad and I were kinda sorta correct but not really. Either way, I did get to read up a lot about eggs and the way that their nutritional content affects the body. Chicken eggs are high in cholesterol, yes. A diet high in cholesterol can contribute to high blood cholesterol levels, yes. However, how much the cholesterol in ones diet can increase ones blood cholesterol varies from person to person. Studies done by the University of Conn., Harvard Med, the Mayo clinic, and NIH state that eggs don't necessarily lead to increased risk heart disease, rather, they are beneficial.  

In closing, if you like huevos in your mouth there is no need to worry, for they are still good for you (again). Just like coffee - beautiful beautiful coffee. Myself, I usually consume 2 egg whites to 1 egg yolk when I go to town on some omelettes. Yummy. Thanks, Brad, for inspiring this bit of knowledge.

I can kill 2 stones with one bird, 
-The Black Lion

06 November 2011

Paleo free day - 05 or 06 Nov 2011

Yo monkeys, 
This message is specific to those of you that are still going Paleo strong! Today is the established cheat day. The ones of us that have been the strictest Paleo heads will get more out of today than those that have been laxed. 

Before you make like Garfield and go about devouring everything in sight and kicking Nermal of the table, I need you to bear in mind a few things:

A - Realize that everything that you put in your body will have some type of consequence. Essentially - the more "bad stuff" you eat, the more it does detract from your gains. Don't panic, not every single calorie will be absorbed by your body (your body will flush some of them out), but a good amount will be considered for fuel storage (aka - fat).

II - Your sexy body has accustomed to eating nutrient dense and low sugar foods; unless you've really been knocking back the fruit, it (your body) may freak out a bit at the surplus. You may even get that sugar-related headache that some, if not all, of us experienced at the beginning of this campaign. 
Please don't ask me to explain this picture...

Tres - Be smart in your choices. If you eat a high sugar/carbohydrate meal, pair it with some good protein. For example: if I were non-Paleo today,  I'd consider making myself some pancakes. Pancakes are fuck!ng awesome. Especially my pancakes because pumpkins are in season and I like sprinkling in peanut butter chips and candied walnuts. Oh yeah... and then I'll top it with pumpkin butter from trader joes... oh yes, pancakes, I want you inside me...
Wait, what were we talking about? ..... Oh yes, let's say that I am gonna hook myself up with my pumpkin, peanut butter, and candied walnut pancakes - well, that is going to be high in starch, quite. So, I am also going to make myself an omelette. Not just because I fancy myself some tasty omelettes (which I do), but because the added protein will reduce the glycemic impact of all the starch I am going to ingest. Even popping a bit of jerky before a meal will help to not send your insulin levels soaring into the stratosphere.

I used the phrase "if I were non-Paleo" because I may have used up my cheat day on Friday. For me, Friday was a day of much joyousness. The two main celebratory factors were the birth of my nephew of and my naturalization. I went to a place called Bobby's Burger Palace in DC. It is owned by one of my favorite chefs and I felt the need to be uber American. What better way to do it than by kicking back the most stereotypical of American cuisines - burgers and fries! Although, I feel that I may want some pizza and beer today.... so I may put myself on the wall of shame for that one Friday meal and indulge myself today. We shall see...

Lastly - This is your day. Enjoy it! Just don't get stupid with it. I am not trying to scare you at all. I am merely reminding you to be considerate of your efforts up to this point. 

Keepin it real,

-El Leon Negro