I like to WOD, I like to cook and eat, and I like to talk all sorts of whatever.
If you're looking for run WODs, foodstuffs, sparse "sciency" info
(typically r/t exercise and physiology) and random soap-boxing....
read on, bitches:

21 April 2011

The Challenge is OVER!

We are several days beyond the final day of the Paleo Challenge. As much as I would have loved to address this milestone earlier, I was a bit preoccupied with a little race known as the Boston Marathon. However, there are some things that are quite necessary for me to talk about.

First and foremost - Congratulations to everybody that stuck it out all the way to the end. 

Now, on to business... Although the challenge is over, there are still some transactions pending between us. I need some info from you guys that will wrap this event up.

How'd it go for you? Do you feel good about yourself? Better or worse than before you started the challenge? This is where you will provide me and your fellow PC participants with anecdotal evidence. For those of you that have not yet bothered to comment on the blog, please realize that it is a facile task - won't you please honor us with your thoughts? I know that you are quite busy and it is just arduous to spare the tens of minutes that it'll take to type out the text. We appreciate your sacrifice.

Share your recorded measurements. I have noticed a visible difference in appearance on some of you peoples. Still, we need to see the numbers; we need finite numbers. What was your starting weight - ending weight, inches lost/gained, body fat percentage changes, etc. I hope that you kept track like you said you would.

Consider this, if you did not take measurements/numbers how the shit can you win? Don't forget, we did say that we would all contribute to a "kitty" and declare the top 3 winners. Pay your dues, bitches! If you didn't follow the rules, I don't know what to tell you. Honor your word... or you can consider it a Paleo Tax - either way, pay the piper.
In order to declare a winner, we need your results posted and your thoughts broadcasted. 

Put up a post or comment with tangibles and intangibles.  Being a wordsmith may help, but in the end the tangibles are the biggest factors to note. 

We will read one another's posts and each make our own list of who we consider to be the top 3 people. From there, we will use the Borda Count Method to choose the top 3 based on our list. Sound OK? Don't worry it is an easy task, it just takes a bit longer than just counting ballots. 

Manni, why are you making this so complicated?
Shut your monkey face, that's why!

Everybody was given access as an author/contributor to the website. If you do not have it, let me know and I will email you the access. By being an author, you have the ability to post pictures and what not. I'm sitting at the edge of my seat.

"I can swim through land"


All, this is where we can put down our thoughts about the Paleo Challenge.
Feel free to give full disclosure. Be as critical as you want. If you thought the PC was bunch of crap, it is fine, but give reasoning behind your thoughts. If there is someway that we can make this challenge better for next time, also give us your suggestions. I've heard varied anecdotal evidence from some, but please share regardless. I even had someone tell me that she feels as if her "cycles" seemed to have gotten better/more pleasantly (in comparison). Should you share to that depth? Only if you see it fit...

I will start us off:

Now that the PC is over, I stand atop a mountain of self-importance and think to myself "wow, that was much easier than I thought it was going to be". Indeed, I felt like poo during the first week of the PC, but as the days progressed it became easier. For the most part, the PC was a positive experience. Besides my workouts feeling better, my post-workout recovery was faster, my sleep was more profound, and I wasn't relying on bad foods to help settle my stress. It boggled my mind to see how much I could eat and still have positive effects. I like the amount of recipes that I tried out; I think that I cooked dinner at least 5 nights per week.
Maybe it is all in my head, but the only thing that changed during the last 2 months was my diet. I set new PR's in most of my heavy lifts and I was able to perform well in high endurance events (marathon). 
I am going to continue mostly Paleo. I think I will allow myself 3 non-paleo meals/snacks per week and 1 dessert. I hope that I am able to continue it thusly for the time being.
I have lost an inch and a half off my waist and hips. My thighs each have increased an inch in diameter. I lost 8lbs and have gone down 6% in body fat.

20 April 2011

Gifts? For me? I do declare, Mr Beauregard...

Hey guys, on Thursday last I was given a gift bag/basket-type deal that, as I understand it, was on behalf of many of you which traffic the blog. I wanted to take a moment to thank you guys for your generosity and consideration. 
I also wanted to say - Damnit! The gift cards are difficult for one to use on booze and hookers (you monkeys are so bloody smart). So instead of taking the time to locate a service that accepted iTunes gift cards in exchange for carnal favors or someone that would trade a handle for some nike gear, I settled for the realization that I rarely do drink and if I really wanted a myriad of diseases, I'd rather go hangout in a hospital biohazard bin. 

On the real, I truly was touched by the gesture, and I greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Thanks a ton, bitches!


07 April 2011

Paleo Challenge Completion Cook-Out!

It is official - We are in the home stretch of the 6-week Paleo Challenge. Congratulations everyone!

Obviously, this means that some serious grub must be consumed to commemorate this event...

And so, to celebrate the completion of the Paleo Challenge - and a new nutritional life-style for some - join us for the Paleo Challenge Cook-Out on Saturday April 23rd at 12:30pm.

This gives everyone another chance to showcase their favorite Paleo recipe. (You know you have one, otherwise you would have all starved to death.)

Use the comments to post what you plan to bring. We are staying Paleo for this shin-dig, so no rice-krispy treats with marshmellows and nutella and peanut butter and butter and... sorry... I was having a moment... anyway... Bring enough for yourself and to share with others. We need it all : meats, sides, desserts, etc.

To recap:
Date: Saturday April 23rd
Time: 12:30pm
Location: the box
Bring: Paleo foodies

See you all there!!!

02 April 2011


Yo monkeys, 
Before you go about devouring everything in sight, I need you to bear in mind a few things:

A - Realize that everything that you put in your body will have some type of consequence. Essentially - the more "bad stuff" you eat, the more it does detract from your gains. Don't panic, not every single calorie will be absorbed by your body (your body will flush some of them out), but a good amount will be considered for fuel storage (aka - fat).

II - As your body is accustomed to eating nutrient dense and low sugar foods (unless you've really been knocking back the fruit), it (your body) may freak out a bit at the surplus. You may even get that sugar-related headache that some, if not all, of us experienced at the beginning of this campaign. 
Please don't ask me to explain this picture...

Tres - Be smart in your choices. If you eat a high sugar/carbohydrate meal, pair it with some good protein. For example, I am considering making myself some pancakes. Mmmmmmmm, pancakes - so delicious.... ooh, where is the pumpkin butter.... what, we're out of pumpkin butter?, fuck!.... ok, I'll put some maple syrup on them bad boys.... yeah right there.... gimmie some more.... mmmmmm, where have you been all my life, [pancakes]!
Wait, what were we talking about? ..... Oh yes, let's say that I am gonna hook myself up with my pumpkin, banana, and candied walnut pancakes - well, that is going to be high in starch, quite. So, I am also going to make myself an omelette. Not just because I fancy myself some tasty omelettes (which I do), but because the added protein will reduce the glycemic impact of all the starch I am going to ingest. Even popping a bit of jerky before a meal will help to not send your insulin levels soaring into the stratosphere.

Lastly - This is your day. Enjoy it! Just don't get stupid with it. I am not trying to scare you at all. I am merely reminding you to be considerate of your efforts up to this point. 

Keepin it real,

-El Leon Negro