I like to WOD, I like to cook and eat, and I like to talk all sorts of whatever.
If you're looking for run WODs, foodstuffs, sparse "sciency" info
(typically r/t exercise and physiology) and random soap-boxing....
read on, bitches:

08 March 2011

Chicken with.... a bunch of spices:

Hey peoples, I have a recipe that I tried out today. It was the result of a culinary adventure/experiment. One that I would have to say ended rather well. I will figure out a way to make it better/tastier. This will feed two people. You can make this meal per recipe and divide it into halves. Save a half for another meal.

  • 2 chicken breasts (cut into strips no more than 1cm thick)
  • 4 carrots (julienned, keep as lengthy as possible)
  • 4 stalks of broccolini  (about half a bunch) 
  • 1 can of lite coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp of coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp of minced garlic
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 tsp corriander seed
  • 2 tsp ground ancho pepper
  • 2 tbsp ginger
  • 2 tbsp tandoori spice
  • 2 tbsp dijon mustard
  • salt & pepper to taste
Combine chicken, 1tsp of [garlic powder, paprika, cinnamon, corriander, and ancho] and 1 tbsp of [ginger and tandoori spice], all the oil and mustard. For best results, allow this mixture to marinade for at least 2hrs, but can be done within minutes of mixing. In a non-stick sauce pan, place chicken and allow to cook for about 10 to 12 minutes (stir occasionally) on medium-high heat. Add can of coconut milk and remaining ingredients, except for carrots and broccolini, let simmer for 5 minutes at medium heat. Place the carrots and broccolini atop the the chicken and cover. After 3 to 5 minutes (depending on how crunchy you want your veggies) stir/mix everything in the pan and turn off heat. Your food is ready. 
Bon Appetit!

Now on to pertinent issues of the moment.

MUSCLE MILK - Is meant to be pre/post workout. I did mention to everyone that it is not Paleo, but it was permissible within this challenge (as are protein bars, and milk, and legumes for the vegetarian peoples). Try not to go above one serving a day. Also, try to have it within an hour of your WOD. It is OK to have at night, but realize that you don't really need too many nutrients to fuel for sleep, unless you happened to workout late in the evening. 

FRUIT - Or should I say "lack thereof". Listen guys, I know that it is tough to get through this first week. Try to stay fast; try your darndest. This is your challenge, prove to yourself that you can stick it through. However, before you crumble and end up devouring a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese (ahem, ahem), I much prefer that you have yourself a piece of fruit. Stay Paleo! This is your challenge, don't let yourself down.


S L E E P - If you eat anything, try not to sleep within 3 hours. The reason for this - if you do fall asleep within 3 hours of a meal, your body is more likely to store/convert the nutrients as fat.

- El Leon Negro


  1. I'm assuming Suzannah indulged herself with a bagel? I'm slightly jealous. I've dabbled with fruit at a very minimum but haven't gone off Paleo.

    With that said, I ordered some Paleo cookies. Umm...they ain't Oreo's people! Meaning, you have to take it for what it is. They're not too shabby once dunked in tea. If you want to try one let me know. I'll bring some to the box and leave it with Tommy or whatever.

  2. First of all, it was a cinnamon crunch bagel from Panera. Second, I will not confirm nor deny that it was me who had the bagel...

    And what would make you think that it was me?! :-)

  3. I think bedtime eating is one of my main problems!! I ALWAYS eat less than three hours before going to bed! Like, always. It's always when I feel the most snacky!! I think this will be a really good one for me to try my darndest to stop!

  4. PS Suzannah - those cinnamon crunch bagels are so damn good! I applaud you for admitting to the group that you caved!! I'm sure we're all going to at least at some point during the 45 days!! I've cheated on Manni's paleo w/ fruit, today. I was at breakfast and it was either fruit or pancakes or a bagel...AND i had a two tiny pieces of sample bread at Cosi! I will do better from here on out! Here's to doing better and not cheating!!

  5. Thanks Sumi!
    It was definitely not one of my finer moments, but it happened... oops. Back to the reality of Paleo.

  6. Suzzy: Let's just say that we, the Paleo peeps, seem to providing each other with a nice [check and balance] system. We are here to keep each other in check. If, somehow, "keep each other in check" ends up translating to "shake our heads slowly side to side in apaulment with a sideways frown on our faces while calling you out publicly", well... I guess we have to allow it to flourish as it seems fit.

    All: Stay in the game, monkeys. At least keep it Paleo!
    It is a rough week, I know, but the headaches should be gone and overall well-being/spirits should be rising. Let's keep each other motivated, that is why we have the blog. Share your thoughts, feelings, recipes, tips, and etc; share whatevers.

    Random thought -
    You know what my first victory will be? Eating a banana on Saturday morning and a spoonful of almond butter! I have been holding out on almond butter just so that I can have the pleasure of accompanying it with a banana. I am so glad that I started on Saturday morning (as per the guidelines).
    I can't wait to have... and yet, I will have to wait. I have about 74 hours to go! C'mon Saturday.

  7. I'm dying to eat some strawberries and black berries and YES, a blessed banana with almond butter.

  8. screw fruit. i want a donut

