I like to WOD, I like to cook and eat, and I like to talk all sorts of whatever.
If you're looking for run WODs, foodstuffs, sparse "sciency" info
(typically r/t exercise and physiology) and random soap-boxing....
read on, bitches:

05 December 2011

Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip

The name says it all, doesn't it? No need for a long, elaborate post. This is for those of you who asked for the recipe over the weekend. Yes, it's simple. Yes, it's quick. Yes, it's delicious. You're very welcome.

Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip
(adapted from The Sweets Life)

-8 ounces cream cheese (we used 1/3 less fat)
-1 cup pumpkin puree
-1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
-1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
-1/2 tsp cinnamon (add more to taste)
-1/2 tsp ground ginger
-honey wheat pretzels, gingersnaps, apples, other dippers for serving

1. With a mixer, beat cream cheese and pumpkin until smooth. A half cup at a time, add powdered sugar, pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, and ginger, beating until combined.
2. Refrigerate until just before serving (dip is best cold)!

On a side note, no one will judge you if you lick the mixer clean :)

07 November 2011


I like you guys, well most of you at least...
The other day (morning)Brad and I were having a discussion about eggs. He told me that one egg contains 90% of RDA of cholesterol. I told him I didn't believe that to be true, but it also depends on the type of egg that you consume - meaning that pastured eggs are more nutritious than caged ones. We then gave each other a challenging stare coupled with a nod as he defied me to prove it.
Well, I, ever so full of nutritional data facts curiosity and the all too occasional bout of insomnia spent some time seeking reputable information.

Cholesterol content in an egg:
The RDA of cholesterol for the average person is 300mg. According to the nutritional data provided by the USDA'swebsite - which incidentally is a pretty good source of acquiring nutritional data due to the complexity of provided information - a large sized raw egg contains roughly 186mg of cholesterol. When we math that, it turns out to be 62% of your RDA. Other sites, such as nutritiondata.com  gave me a read of 212mg for one large egg, which equates to 71% of your RDA for cholesterol. Alright, let's put this part of the discussion on the back burner and set it to simmer.

Pastured eggs - vs - caged eggs:
touch it you want it to enlarge...
Pastured eggs, meaning eggs from chickens that are free to forage for grass and insects, are of much higher nutritional quality than eggs from confinement chickens (aka, factory farms). The marginal increase in value, of course, is found mostly in the yolk.
Insects provide a higher DHA content, found exclusive in the yolk, and grass provides a higher vitamin E and carotene content, also found exclusively in the yolk. Egg yolks from pastured chickens are thus a powerful supplement to a healthy diet — a super-food — providing necessary nutrients in which the Standard American Diet is deficient.

Of the several articles I read whilst searching the nutritional differences between pastured and confined eggs, the one that seemed to be most reputable was in [motherearthnews.com]. The good folks at NatGeo, and Good Food U were among the ones who cited this study. It focused on confined eggs vs. eggs from 14 different farms throughout the country and it was done by an accredited laboratory in Portland, OR. The study found that, compared to official USDA nutrient data for commercial eggs, eggs from hens raised on pasture may contain:
touch it if you want it to enlarge... 

  • 1/3 less cholesterol
  • 1/4 less saturated fat
  • 2/3 more vit - A
  • 3 times more vit - E
  • 7 times more beta carotene
  • 4 to 6 times as much vit - D
  • 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids

Ok, now lets address some of possible gripes. 
You can argue that the study I found is biased - which humors me, because we can easily say that all studies will contain some type of bias. Perhaps the website (motherearthnews.com) sounds as if it is too hippie/owl-cuddling/granola for you. That is a valid thought. I spent a lot of time looking for studies from a major university or college to no avail. Several websites, nutritional blogs, and magazines recurrently cited the aforementioned hippie-sounding website. So I referenced it because the information seemed legit. 
Without spending too much time on a soapbox, I would like to opinionate that: Part of reason these type of studies don't exist from major names is because most of the money to pay for big studies is in the hands of these large factory brands that have great influence on the USDA. The USDA will have you believe that all eggs are created equal, just as all vegetables, whether organic or not, are equal. Somehow the output from a chicken doesn’t depend on the inputs in the USDA’s world, which is frankly a ridiculous assumption. 
So.... perhaps a chicken is a little computer program that always puts out the perfect solution, regardless of how much craptacular garbage you fed into the program. I think it's rubbish. Either way, the concept of getting away from factory farms is still new. What our grandparents once called food, we now call organic food. Ok, so I stayed on the soapbox for quite a bit.... sorry. Those are strictly my thought on the matter.

Anyways, both (morning)Brad and I were kinda sorta correct but not really. Either way, I did get to read up a lot about eggs and the way that their nutritional content affects the body. Chicken eggs are high in cholesterol, yes. A diet high in cholesterol can contribute to high blood cholesterol levels, yes. However, how much the cholesterol in ones diet can increase ones blood cholesterol varies from person to person. Studies done by the University of Conn., Harvard Med, the Mayo clinic, and NIH state that eggs don't necessarily lead to increased risk heart disease, rather, they are beneficial.  

In closing, if you like huevos in your mouth there is no need to worry, for they are still good for you (again). Just like coffee - beautiful beautiful coffee. Myself, I usually consume 2 egg whites to 1 egg yolk when I go to town on some omelettes. Yummy. Thanks, Brad, for inspiring this bit of knowledge.

I can kill 2 stones with one bird, 
-The Black Lion

06 November 2011

Paleo free day - 05 or 06 Nov 2011

Yo monkeys, 
This message is specific to those of you that are still going Paleo strong! Today is the established cheat day. The ones of us that have been the strictest Paleo heads will get more out of today than those that have been laxed. 

Before you make like Garfield and go about devouring everything in sight and kicking Nermal of the table, I need you to bear in mind a few things:

A - Realize that everything that you put in your body will have some type of consequence. Essentially - the more "bad stuff" you eat, the more it does detract from your gains. Don't panic, not every single calorie will be absorbed by your body (your body will flush some of them out), but a good amount will be considered for fuel storage (aka - fat).

II - Your sexy body has accustomed to eating nutrient dense and low sugar foods; unless you've really been knocking back the fruit, it (your body) may freak out a bit at the surplus. You may even get that sugar-related headache that some, if not all, of us experienced at the beginning of this campaign. 
Please don't ask me to explain this picture...

Tres - Be smart in your choices. If you eat a high sugar/carbohydrate meal, pair it with some good protein. For example: if I were non-Paleo today,  I'd consider making myself some pancakes. Pancakes are fuck!ng awesome. Especially my pancakes because pumpkins are in season and I like sprinkling in peanut butter chips and candied walnuts. Oh yeah... and then I'll top it with pumpkin butter from trader joes... oh yes, pancakes, I want you inside me...
Wait, what were we talking about? ..... Oh yes, let's say that I am gonna hook myself up with my pumpkin, peanut butter, and candied walnut pancakes - well, that is going to be high in starch, quite. So, I am also going to make myself an omelette. Not just because I fancy myself some tasty omelettes (which I do), but because the added protein will reduce the glycemic impact of all the starch I am going to ingest. Even popping a bit of jerky before a meal will help to not send your insulin levels soaring into the stratosphere.

I used the phrase "if I were non-Paleo" because I may have used up my cheat day on Friday. For me, Friday was a day of much joyousness. The two main celebratory factors were the birth of my nephew of and my naturalization. I went to a place called Bobby's Burger Palace in DC. It is owned by one of my favorite chefs and I felt the need to be uber American. What better way to do it than by kicking back the most stereotypical of American cuisines - burgers and fries! Although, I feel that I may want some pizza and beer today.... so I may put myself on the wall of shame for that one Friday meal and indulge myself today. We shall see...

Lastly - This is your day. Enjoy it! Just don't get stupid with it. I am not trying to scare you at all. I am merely reminding you to be considerate of your efforts up to this point. 

Keepin it real,

-El Leon Negro

21 October 2011

22 Oct Run WOD

Hey party people. If you are interested in a nice run WOD, here is one that'll leave you happy you asked for one. It is quite simple. Now remember, you have to keep all out efforts every single time. NO need to conserve energy. Get out there and kick your own ass!

[10 x 30 seconds] - max effort, 
rest 2:00 between each rep

11 October 2011

Paleo Recipe: Poached Eggs

Hello friendly faces. I just had the great snack.
So good, in fact, that I had to post it.
Is it really that spectacular? Maybe, maybe not. Answer me this? Do you like huevos?
Well, I put together a quick snack that tasted just splendid.
The best part - it took about ten minutes to put together.

Here it is:
2 poached eggs + 1 tomato (med to large in size) + salt & pepper (to taste)
  • Step 1: Poach 2 eggs 
    • bring water to a boil (roughly 165 to 180 degrees; small bubbles, not rapid boil)
    • add 1oz of white vinegar per qt. and a tsp of salt, stir, then add egg(s)
    • once the egg whites have coagulated and begin to float, they're almost done. I put mine in for about 4 minutes
  • Step 2: Cut your tomato in half and hollow it out using a knife or spoon.
    • this can be done as your egg(s) poaches
    • dispose of the tomato innards (I ate mine, because tomato guts are tasty)
    • sprinkle a bit of salt & pepper into hollow tomato (to taste)
  • Step 3: Combine eggs and tomato
    • remove eggs from the water, place them on a paper towel to remove excess water 
    • place eggs in tomato
    • salt & pepper (or other spices) to taste
  • Step 4: Put the food in your face!
    • pick up the completed tomato with egg and spices
    • open your face hole
    • put it in your face hole
    • enjoy   :-D
Here are some notes for consideration:
  1. High quality and fresh eggs are the best tasting ones.
  2. If you use a brown vinegar and a more than an ounce, the outer portion of your egg whites will vary in taste. Personally, I like using more than an oz of brown vinegar because it makes the egg feel and taste more like a burrata (but only slightly)
  3. I topped my food with salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar, and some sriracha hot sauce. Try them with some fresh basil.
  4. Here is a video link for egg poaching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7BVsBtVcUY
  5. I quickly put the eggs on and then off the paper towel because I wanted the heat of the eggs to warm up my tomato.... mmmmm.
I washed my snack down with a small glass of [Dark Chocolate Almond Milk]. It is kinda-sorta Paleo. It has evaporated cane juice in it as a sweetening agent. It really does the trick when you need a choco fix.
Paired up with some good protein, it is a very satisfying snack/small meal (just add some veggies on the side to munch on).

Don't mess up your efforts.
Exhibit some stick-to-it-iveness!


Cocoa Roast Almonds

I would like to applaud everyone who is embarking on the Paleo Challenge. You guys are awesome!

Although, I am not (my self-control when it comes to food is very limited) doing the Paleo Challenge, Jared is attempting to be Paleo while in Afghanistan. And it is harder than you would think since they don't have a kitchen in their rooms (which are the size of a shoe box). So I have been on the prowl for snacks that are as close to Paleo as possible to ship to him.

I have found one that I feel is the ultimate Paleo snack - Emerald Cocoa Roast Almonds.

Manni may have to have the final word on these, but from my calculations I don't see anything that prohibits these from being Paleo.


06 October 2011

keeping accountable...

.hey guys! i just wanted to make very public my goal of not eating after 8 p.m. during this paleo challenge. my biggest weakness is eating late at night and i feel like that's a lot of what is getting in the way of my goals. so from now on, if i eat after 8 p.m., I am going to consider it a cheat and i need some sort of punishment....any ideas??? Thanks for reading. ;)

02 October 2011

The Black Lion Blog is back... again (again)

What up chicks and dudes?
Welcome to the Black Lion Blog. I hope you are ready for another dose of Paleo living. Well, minus the actual hunting and gathering of foods... nor the need to live in caves or create shelters from either wood or stone... nor the need to ferment grapes in animal stomachs for wine... nor the needing to run from predatory animals... also, we need to work jobs to survive... ok, let's just say PALEO EATING

Welcome to the Black Lion Blog. I hope you are ready for another dose of Paleo-style Eating (yeah, I like that better). Lucky for some of us, we already know what it is like to eat with a Paleo mindset. Alls you need to do is scroll over to the other Pages in this blog to remind yourself of the guidelines to the Paleo Challenge. I have said it before - Going Paleo is not torture nor some type of punishment; it is an opportunity! An opportunity to learn more about yourself, your ability to be disciplined, and to learn the role that adequate nutrition plays in your athletic performances as well as your activities of daily living.

You may have also heard me say - " YOU CANNOT OUTPERFORM SH!TTY NUTRITION". Giving your body the best foods that have been proven to provide better performance output is comparable to using high octane gas in a high performance vehicle! 
(yes, you are a car in this simile)

This Paleo Challenge starts Monday, October 3rd. That way, you can get your last day of Foosball, beer, and pizza out of the way. Besides, it is easier to start something like this on a day in which you are already running on some type of schedule. The preliminary rules and guidelines have been established and shared, there will be a slight tweak or two. 
This blog will remain multi-purpose. Everyone that is part of the Challenge can have access to post onto the blog. In this blog, you can enter your thoughts, ramblings, or any other pertinent information. Key word "pertinent". This isn't your FB or twitter account; people (or at least I) couldn't care less that your status is currently "shots, shots, shots" or "mmmm, waiting on my waffles" or "ouch these boots hurt" or any other poignantly idiotic non-issues which make you "ROTFLMFAO". Nope, not me, I could not give a f*ck about any of that. I have a decent sized storage unit in College Park with plenty of room. One half is stocked with seasonal clothing, some furniture, a couple books, and my mountain bike. The other half is stocked with f*cks. Lots of f*cks - varying in shapes, sizes, colors, and viscosities. More f*ucks than one man really needs, enough to outlast Jared's post-apocalyptic Twinkie supply. Still, I find myself unable to give one single f*ck about your inconsequential FB/twitter status update that says nothing more than "it's raining". Really? Really dude" It is raining? Thank you for broadcasting this monumental information; somehow I am unable to look out my bloody window and prospect this information on my own! 

I digress, forgive me my friends. 
What were we talking about?
Ah yes, when you post on the blog, feel free to share something PC related. Tell us what you ate in order to stay Paleo today, share a great new recipe, put together a potluck - do anything that will ensure your and everybody else's success. This is your challenge, make the most out of it and stay on task. Don't lie to yourself and don't cheat yourself. Nobody loves you as much as you do, so do something good for yourself.

The Black Lion

ps - Yes, I basically used the same post which kicked off the previous PC

21 April 2011

The Challenge is OVER!

We are several days beyond the final day of the Paleo Challenge. As much as I would have loved to address this milestone earlier, I was a bit preoccupied with a little race known as the Boston Marathon. However, there are some things that are quite necessary for me to talk about.

First and foremost - Congratulations to everybody that stuck it out all the way to the end. 

Now, on to business... Although the challenge is over, there are still some transactions pending between us. I need some info from you guys that will wrap this event up.

How'd it go for you? Do you feel good about yourself? Better or worse than before you started the challenge? This is where you will provide me and your fellow PC participants with anecdotal evidence. For those of you that have not yet bothered to comment on the blog, please realize that it is a facile task - won't you please honor us with your thoughts? I know that you are quite busy and it is just arduous to spare the tens of minutes that it'll take to type out the text. We appreciate your sacrifice.

Share your recorded measurements. I have noticed a visible difference in appearance on some of you peoples. Still, we need to see the numbers; we need finite numbers. What was your starting weight - ending weight, inches lost/gained, body fat percentage changes, etc. I hope that you kept track like you said you would.

Consider this, if you did not take measurements/numbers how the shit can you win? Don't forget, we did say that we would all contribute to a "kitty" and declare the top 3 winners. Pay your dues, bitches! If you didn't follow the rules, I don't know what to tell you. Honor your word... or you can consider it a Paleo Tax - either way, pay the piper.
In order to declare a winner, we need your results posted and your thoughts broadcasted. 

Put up a post or comment with tangibles and intangibles.  Being a wordsmith may help, but in the end the tangibles are the biggest factors to note. 

We will read one another's posts and each make our own list of who we consider to be the top 3 people. From there, we will use the Borda Count Method to choose the top 3 based on our list. Sound OK? Don't worry it is an easy task, it just takes a bit longer than just counting ballots. 

Manni, why are you making this so complicated?
Shut your monkey face, that's why!

Everybody was given access as an author/contributor to the website. If you do not have it, let me know and I will email you the access. By being an author, you have the ability to post pictures and what not. I'm sitting at the edge of my seat.

"I can swim through land"


All, this is where we can put down our thoughts about the Paleo Challenge.
Feel free to give full disclosure. Be as critical as you want. If you thought the PC was bunch of crap, it is fine, but give reasoning behind your thoughts. If there is someway that we can make this challenge better for next time, also give us your suggestions. I've heard varied anecdotal evidence from some, but please share regardless. I even had someone tell me that she feels as if her "cycles" seemed to have gotten better/more pleasantly (in comparison). Should you share to that depth? Only if you see it fit...

I will start us off:

Now that the PC is over, I stand atop a mountain of self-importance and think to myself "wow, that was much easier than I thought it was going to be". Indeed, I felt like poo during the first week of the PC, but as the days progressed it became easier. For the most part, the PC was a positive experience. Besides my workouts feeling better, my post-workout recovery was faster, my sleep was more profound, and I wasn't relying on bad foods to help settle my stress. It boggled my mind to see how much I could eat and still have positive effects. I like the amount of recipes that I tried out; I think that I cooked dinner at least 5 nights per week.
Maybe it is all in my head, but the only thing that changed during the last 2 months was my diet. I set new PR's in most of my heavy lifts and I was able to perform well in high endurance events (marathon). 
I am going to continue mostly Paleo. I think I will allow myself 3 non-paleo meals/snacks per week and 1 dessert. I hope that I am able to continue it thusly for the time being.
I have lost an inch and a half off my waist and hips. My thighs each have increased an inch in diameter. I lost 8lbs and have gone down 6% in body fat.

20 April 2011

Gifts? For me? I do declare, Mr Beauregard...

Hey guys, on Thursday last I was given a gift bag/basket-type deal that, as I understand it, was on behalf of many of you which traffic the blog. I wanted to take a moment to thank you guys for your generosity and consideration. 
I also wanted to say - Damnit! The gift cards are difficult for one to use on booze and hookers (you monkeys are so bloody smart). So instead of taking the time to locate a service that accepted iTunes gift cards in exchange for carnal favors or someone that would trade a handle for some nike gear, I settled for the realization that I rarely do drink and if I really wanted a myriad of diseases, I'd rather go hangout in a hospital biohazard bin. 

On the real, I truly was touched by the gesture, and I greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Thanks a ton, bitches!


07 April 2011

Paleo Challenge Completion Cook-Out!

It is official - We are in the home stretch of the 6-week Paleo Challenge. Congratulations everyone!

Obviously, this means that some serious grub must be consumed to commemorate this event...

And so, to celebrate the completion of the Paleo Challenge - and a new nutritional life-style for some - join us for the Paleo Challenge Cook-Out on Saturday April 23rd at 12:30pm.

This gives everyone another chance to showcase their favorite Paleo recipe. (You know you have one, otherwise you would have all starved to death.)

Use the comments to post what you plan to bring. We are staying Paleo for this shin-dig, so no rice-krispy treats with marshmellows and nutella and peanut butter and butter and... sorry... I was having a moment... anyway... Bring enough for yourself and to share with others. We need it all : meats, sides, desserts, etc.

To recap:
Date: Saturday April 23rd
Time: 12:30pm
Location: the box
Bring: Paleo foodies

See you all there!!!

02 April 2011


Yo monkeys, 
Before you go about devouring everything in sight, I need you to bear in mind a few things:

A - Realize that everything that you put in your body will have some type of consequence. Essentially - the more "bad stuff" you eat, the more it does detract from your gains. Don't panic, not every single calorie will be absorbed by your body (your body will flush some of them out), but a good amount will be considered for fuel storage (aka - fat).

II - As your body is accustomed to eating nutrient dense and low sugar foods (unless you've really been knocking back the fruit), it (your body) may freak out a bit at the surplus. You may even get that sugar-related headache that some, if not all, of us experienced at the beginning of this campaign. 
Please don't ask me to explain this picture...

Tres - Be smart in your choices. If you eat a high sugar/carbohydrate meal, pair it with some good protein. For example, I am considering making myself some pancakes. Mmmmmmmm, pancakes - so delicious.... ooh, where is the pumpkin butter.... what, we're out of pumpkin butter?, fuck!.... ok, I'll put some maple syrup on them bad boys.... yeah right there.... gimmie some more.... mmmmmm, where have you been all my life, [pancakes]!
Wait, what were we talking about? ..... Oh yes, let's say that I am gonna hook myself up with my pumpkin, banana, and candied walnut pancakes - well, that is going to be high in starch, quite. So, I am also going to make myself an omelette. Not just because I fancy myself some tasty omelettes (which I do), but because the added protein will reduce the glycemic impact of all the starch I am going to ingest. Even popping a bit of jerky before a meal will help to not send your insulin levels soaring into the stratosphere.

Lastly - This is your day. Enjoy it! Just don't get stupid with it. I am not trying to scare you at all. I am merely reminding you to be considerate of your efforts up to this point. 

Keepin it real,

-El Leon Negro

29 March 2011


Good day to you, my brothas and sistas!
Are you curious of how to go about calculating your BMR. 
Would you like to get yo math 'on?
Well, you are in luck. For I, being the awesome cat that I am, have provided the easiest way to calculate your BMR with the least amount of frustration possible. So, go ahead... math it up.
However, before you get your adorable little panties in a wad, realize that this is a rather broad view into your (possible) BMR.

The BMR formula provided herein uses the variables of height, weight, age and gender to calculate your BMR. This is more accurate than just calculating calorie needs based on body weight alone. Also, it is more finite than the crap which Government agencies, who want me eating the carbohydrate equivalent to 7 slices of bread (not at all considering fruits and veggies) daily, manage to spew out at the ignorant masses. The only factor it omits is lean body mass and thus the ratio of muscle-to-fat a body has. Remember, leaner bodies need more calories than less leaner ones. Therefore, this equation will be very accurate in all but the very muscular (aka swole) becuase it will underestimate calorie needs, and the very fat (aka tubby) because it will over-estimate calorie needs.

English BMR Formula (for you proper monkeys)

Chicks: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )

Dudes: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

Metric BMR Formula (for you foreign monkeys)

Chicks: BMR = 655 + ( 9.6 x weight in kilos ) + ( 1.8 x height in cm ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )

Dudes: BMR = 66 + ( 13.7 x weight in kilos ) + ( 5 x height in cm ) - ( 6.8 x age in years )

OK. Do you have your BMR down now?
Wait, wait, wait. You aren't done yet. Now, you will utilize your newfound information/figures to calculate your total daily energy expenditure.
The Harris Benedict Equation is a formula that uses your BMR and then applies an activity factor to determine your total daily energy expenditure (calories). The only factor omitted by the Harris Benedict Equation is lean body mass. Remember, leaner bodies need more calories than less leaner ones. Therefore, this equation will be very accurate in all but the very muscular (will under-estimate calorie needs) and the very fat (will over-estimate calorie needs).

Harris Benedict Formula

To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2

  • If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
  • If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
  • If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
  • If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9 
Total Calorie Needs Example

If you are sedentary, multiply your BMR (1745) by 1.2 = 2094. This is the total number of calories you need in order to maintain your current weight.

Once you know the number of calories needed to maintain your weight, you can easily calculate the number of calories you need to eat in order to gain or lose weight.

What were your results? Please post them, so that I feel some type of reciprocity.
Also, feel free to begin your post with some sort of praise. I am OK with such things...


The Black Lion
- Lance Armstrong and I had a "Who has more nuts contest", I won by 5!

28 March 2011

OK, We need to talk...

Hello there everybody. How was your weekend?
Yeah, that's great. Listen, I need you to sit down and be quiet.
Go ahead, get comfy.....
Alright, ready?
I want to discuss 2 topics that have been irking me just a tad:

Some of you freaks are eating way too much and/or not enough of the right things.
Wait, I thought that you couldn't overeat while being Paleo?
Ok, first of all, we aren't at the Q&A section of this little chat, so at ease your face and listen. If I may continue...
Yes, I recall something to that tune. I do not remember me saying there is no way you can overeat while following Paleo. I do, however, remember someone saying, "technically, you can't overeat on Paleo" and me nodding pleasantly with an upturned lower lip.
Can one overeat? Yes, sure. If I knock out a rack of ribs with a 2 loaded sweet potatoes, wash it down with half a bottle of mead, and then sit in front of the tube mindlessly eating a bowl full of fudge-babies..... I overate. Sure I technically was 100% Paleo - Robb Wolf, himself, would attest to this. Still, is it the smartest way for me to go about it? NO, bitches, it most certainly is not. Being Paleo is not a passport to Stuffyourfaceville (population - you), it is a passport to a healthier and better conditioned you - granted you do it correctly.

Let's re-evaluate our reason(s) for trying the challenge.
If you are in it for losing some weight and/or toning up - You need to be mindful of intake.
If you are in it just to have better looking bloodwork - You should be a bit mindful of intake.
If you are in it to have better recovery following work-outs and overall athletic prowess - You don't need to be as mindful of intake, but it would not hurt for you to try not overindulging.
If you just want to be healthy, already look good naked, and need to gain some lean mass - You can take a shot of olive oil.

If, at this point in the challenge, you are not seeing any results, then you need to take a look at your daily caloric and nutritional intake. Now, I don't want you to starve yourself. If your metabolic demands are 1800Kcal to 2000Kcal, I prefer that you teeter close/above 2000 than  close to/below 1800; but you shouldn't go significantly above 2k.
This leads me into my second topic... Desserts!
Wait Manni, I was under the impression that...
Holy crap, we still aren't in the Q&A! Shhhuuuuuuush!

The topic of Desserts and Overeating go hand in hand prancing merrily through a glorious meadow. For you see, they are bosom buddies. Some people are relying to deeply on dessert foods. Honestly, I think that some of us may be consuming too much dessert foods. Again, even if it is Paleo, don't just shove it in your facehole. 
Mmmm - Paleo Brownies - nom, nom, nom.
Mmmm - Mead - glug, glug glug.
Mmmm - Fried Apples - nom, nom, nom.
Mmmm - 85% Dark Chocolate - nom, nom, nom.
Hooray - Vino - glug, glug, glug.
Mmmm - Paleo Blackberry cobbler - nom, nom, nom.
It's all Paleo, yay!

Yes, they are all Paleo but most, if not all, dessert foods are full of sugars and may also be a bit overstocked with fat. Of course I do remember saying that sugar, not fat, should be your primary concern during all of this, but I stand adamant to the idea that you need to monitor your intake. Not every meal needs to be followed up with a dessert. If you really need something to munch on, have a piece of raw fruit or make yourself an Almond Milk Latte. Discipline! 
Keep it low-cal and low C12H22O11
Remember, you can't always have cake because it can't always be a special day. A couple times a week is fine, but if you do it all the time, then you will sabotage your efforts and 6 weeks later you're thinking that The Black Lion and his "Paleo" rubbish were specious and unprolific.
No, no, no - let's call a spade a spade.
You were unsuccessful! You let you down. 
I have heard from plenty of people who feel better, have lost plenty of weight, are recovering faster from their workouts, and even claim to exhibit a better complexion. Is this anecdotal evidence? - perhaps. Still, why don't you take a moment to reflect on your meals for the last week and be honest with yourself? Have you maintained the guidelines? Have you been adherent? Did you really need all that dried fruit before going to bed? Just a thought...

Remember to mind your caloric (and nutrient) intake in relation to your caloric expenditure.
Now, I will admit that I, on occasion, eat a bit more than I should, but I am still meeting my goals, and I do increase my phyiscal activity in attempts to counterbalance said occasions.
I'm just asking that you monkeys be mindful of you and to be honest with yourself.  Mind this - maybe you should keep an intake journal. Write down everything (except for water) that you are consuming. It may help shed some perspective.

I am done lecturing, so I will move on to a lighter note:
For those of you that were not present for the cookout on Saturday past, I want you to know that you missed out on a spectacular feast. Marks salmon was perfectly cooked, Rogelio's chicken never dissappoints, Mike's chicken was miracoulously moist, Felton's [baked chicken and shredded apples] dish was great, the pesto chicken was on point, whatever the hell Jared's beef balls are called were delicious, poking fun at [Sumi the veggie-head] was nourishing to all of our souls, the spread of veggies was wonderful, the wine that Tristan brought was....umm,... consumed, and the several other dishes not mentioned were all scrum-diddly-umptious. The cook-out was a success and good times were had by all.

Be well.
-El Leon Negro!

now we can have a Q&A...

23 March 2011

Paleo Cook Out

Well folks, the half-way point for the Paleo Challenge is around the corner. To celebrate our success thus far and continued pursuit, I am hosting a Paleo Cook-Out at my apartment on:

Saturday March 26th at 12:30pm.

Please use the comments area to confirm attendance. To defray the cost of food, please commit to bringing a protein, side dish or other nibbles to cover yourself and share with others.

Showcase a recipe that you have found, created or altered for the Paleo Challenge.

It will be an afternoon of food, friends and fun!

20 March 2011

"Fudge Babies"

This recipe is really simple and absolutely delicious.

1 cup walnuts
1 1/3 cup dates
4 Tbsp cocoa
1 tsp vanilla

Put all ingredients in a food processor (or blender, magic bullet, etc.) and blend. Roll into balls. Enjoy.

If you don't have walnuts, pecans are also delicious. 1 1/3 cups is about 20 dates.

TIP: Make sure to remove the seeds from the dates before putting them in the food processor... its a nightmare picking them out if you don't and you'll notice if you bite down on one.

18 March 2011

Late Night Snacking : Don't Do It.

Hey party people. 
We are coming up on the completion of week #2. Hopefully things are doing better for you in an overall perspective. Personally, I find things have become easier when it comes to selection of Paleo chow. I  have noticed that several people have mentioned that snacking is/can be an issue. My solution - don't snack late at night. Easier said than done, I know. 
Listen up, monkeys, let me throw some knowledge at you. 

Not only is it better to not get your late night snacky-snack 'on, but if you are going to snack, it is better to do it during the daytime. A recent Northwestern University study found that eating at irregular times (ie - the middle of the night when the body should be more focused on sleep) influences weight gain. The regulation of energy by the body's circadian rhythms may play a significant role. 
"How or why a person gains weight is very complicated, but it clearly is not just calories in and calories out," said Fred Turek, professor of neurobiology and physiology in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and director of the Center for Sleep and Circadian Biology. "Some factors are under circadian control. Better timing of meals, which would require a change in behavior, could be a critical element in slowing the ever-increasing incidence of obesity."
Simply modifying the time of feeding alone can greatly affect body weight. Mice that were fed a high-fat diet during normal sleeping hours gained significantly more weight (a 48 percent weight increase over their baseline) than mice eating the same type and amount of food during naturally wakeful hours (a 20 percent increase over their baseline). There was no statistical difference between the two groups regarding caloric intake or the amount of activity.
Over a period of six weeks, both groups of mice were allowed to eat as much high-fat diet as they wanted during their daily 12-hour feeding phase. (Much like many humans, mice have a preference for high-fat food.) Since mice are nocturnal, the 12-hour feeding phase was during the day for those fed during normal sleeping hours and during the night for those fed during naturally wakeful hours. Food was not provided during the other 12 hours of their day.
Our circadian clock, or biological timing system, governs our daily cycles of feeding, activity and sleep, with respect to external dark and light cycles. Recent studies have found the body's internal clock also regulates energy use, suggesting the timing of meals may matter in the balance between caloric intake and expenditure.
Remember that the United States and the world battle what has been called an "obesity epidemic."  or as I like to call it, "Fatassness". More than 300 million adults worldwide are obese, including more than a third of American adults. Wait, let me put this in an even brighter light. About 2/3 of the US is considered to be overweight; 1/2 of the US's overweight population can be categorized as obese.
These figures are frightening!
USA Obesity Rates Reach Epidemic Proportions
* 58 Million Overweight; 40 Million Obese; 3 Million morbidly Obese
* Eight out of 10 over 25's Overweight
* 78% of American's not meeting basic activity level recommendations
* 25% completely Sedentary
* 76% increase in Type II diabetes in adults 30-40 yrs old since 1990
OK, OK, that is enough scare tactics. Let's look at it with a different perspective. We use food for energy, right? How much energy do you need to sleep? Not much. The nutrients that you have ingested throughout the afternoon more than suffice for the "regeneration" that occurs while we sleep. I'm sure you've heard that you should eat more during the daytime than night. The problem is that we are too easily consoled by food. How many times have you heard, "I've had a rough day, I need to eat [insert bad for you food] tonight?" or "it was a friend's/coworker's/pet's [insert special occasion] today". 
I'm sorry, have I lost you with a section that reminds you of MadLibs in middle school?
Bottom line, is that it is more an effort of us not sabotaging ourselves and/or giving ourselves a scapegoat for doing the wrong thing. Excuses are easier to make than commitments.

Why am I eating so late at night - do I really need so much [whatever I'm eating] to go to sleep? NO.... many times, we just eat out of boredom or out of habit. I know that it feels good to sugar yourself up, but remember that there are consequences to your actions. 
Ok, if I don't eat this cupcake/pie/random pastry will my friend/coworker/pet be upset with me; will I ruin this person's/being's life by not letting said non-Paleo fare trespass my facehole? NO.... chances are, they/it will continue to flourish. Not eating that pastry does not make you a bad person. It shows you that you are in control and that you are not mindless. 
I am well aware that saying "it can't always be a 'special occasion', guys" is probably not what you want to hear at this moment of your Paleo venture. I'm sure that you want tips and techniques to help thwart off the Snacky Monsta within. Alas, NO... Not just NO, but hell NO.  This posting is not meant to coddle you monkeys. It is meant to remind you to have/show more self-discipline. Part of the Paleo Challenge, is seeing and experiencing what you can/will do if/when you take the reigns. 

Keeping it real,
-The Black Lion

17 March 2011

Kale Chips

One bunch of kale

Preheat oven (or toaster oven) to 225 degrees. Tear kale into pieces (uniform is more important than size - but they shrink down, so don't make them too small). Place kale on a non-stick cookie sheet or a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle generously with spices such as sea salt, Old Bay seasoning (delicious!), powdered ginger, garlic salt, or anything you like. Bake for 9-12 minutes or until dark green and crispy - careful not to burn!

I have found that kale chips can help with the late-night munchies. They are obviously NOT potato chips, but they get the job done.

14 March 2011


Protein Consumption

As a general rule - active people should eat between 1.5 to 2gms of protein per kilogram per day. Any more than that rate of consumption of protein/kg/day, you better be hitting "2-a-days" with tremendous frequency. This amount of protein intake is typically reserved for people that are training for hours a day (Ironman, prize-fighters, etc.). 
The USDA states that one should have about 60gms of protein per day as part of their [2000K cal diet] and this is enough for the average American as they maintain an "active" lifestyle. The average American already consumes enough protein/day to maintain that recommendation. Of course, only about 25% of people maintain an "active" lifestyle.
Why so many quotation marks Manni?
That's a good question, Miss...
 I have been using quotation marks because people that stick to only rec-league kickball games or go for brisk walks several times a week also fall into the realm of "active" according to the so-called experts. I am not bad-mouthing you, rec-league people, but I doubt that playing a game a kickball and then kicking back beers at the pub with your team-mates really is sufficient activity to justify upping your protein/caloric needs. To the walkers, it is great that you go out and try something active, but if you want more, you do more! OK, maybe I am being a bit unfair.... I digress, apologies. 

Where was I?... Oh yeah, Like I said, Paleo should not be taken as a pass for unlimited meat-fests. Your Paleo-centric nutrition is a diverse veggie+meat-fest (or - veggie+legume-fest for Jay and Sumi). 

Like Tristan mentioned, I would also rather err on the side of a bit more protein than not enough. Here are the extremes - A lack of protein can lower all the functions of the body, but if you overload with protein it can put a strain on the body causing a high level of acidity.  This was the main concern with Atkins fanatics; conditions such as acidosis or ketosis. When this occurs our bodies tend to use calcium from our bones and teeth to stop the acids breaking down our body tissues - Calcium is alkalinic.  However, if you are veggie-fying yourself enough and not over protein-ifying, you are good. 

But Manni, I am not drinking Milk, where will I get calcium from?
Damnit! You didn't pay attention to my initial speech, did you. 
I am gonna go take a nap......

13 March 2011


Stay in the game, bitches!

Next stop - Cardio Vascular Disease!

Reminder :

  • Week 2 of Sample Recipes are up.
  • The calipers are at the gym if you want to take your measurements. 
  • As far as your measurements are concerned, if you did not do them this weekend you are OK to do them on week 2 or week 3, at the very least, the half-way point. Granted you stayed Paleo-savvy, it should show you a progression. 

---> M