I like to WOD, I like to cook and eat, and I like to talk all sorts of whatever.
If you're looking for run WODs, foodstuffs, sparse "sciency" info
(typically r/t exercise and physiology) and random soap-boxing....
read on, bitches:

04 January 2012

Fruit sucks!

Dear Manni. Why can't I have fruit? I like fruit. 

Since I cannot eat cookies, I should be able to eat fruit, right? 
Precisely... wait, I mean no, but yes, but not really.
The problem, my dear friends is C12H22O11.
Don't know what that is, pumpkin? It is Sugar - and fruit packs it a plenty. 

I find that a lot of people like to overindulge on fruit when they go Paleo. Complex carbs that are found in breads, grains, pastas, etc are broken down into sugar and then stored as fat. At this time, your body is accustomed to these type of eats. Since Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose (too name a few) are molecularly similar, your body will take it (as a "fix") if that is all that is available. Fruit is basically being used as your Methadone. Therefore, some people will begin to eat too much fruit at the cost of calories and vegetables. 
So, oh studly one, will I need a multivitamin?
No you do not, sunshine. You want to know why?
Because there are no nutrients in fruits that cannot be found in vegetables. Go ahead, name a nutrient... better yet, click here. There is a quick link to nutrient information of a variety of vegetables. All that a healthy body needs. 

Wrapping it up:
If you need fruit to survive the Paleo Challenge, by all means - go for it. The purpose of the limited fruit at the beginning of the challenge is more my own doing/design than anything else (albeit reasonable). 
I can give you how's and why's until the cows come home, but instead I will leave it to your own will. If you would like more info, find me at the box.

Go eat some veggies, bitches!

-El Comando Negro

ps - fruit doesn't suck, it is pretty awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Great write-up Manni. Thanks for taking time to post these. Keeping spreading your wisdom, the more info the better for us all!
