I like to WOD, I like to cook and eat, and I like to talk all sorts of whatever.
If you're looking for run WODs, foodstuffs, sparse "sciency" info
(typically r/t exercise and physiology) and random soap-boxing....
read on, bitches:

16 April 2010

17 April 2010 - SMART

Change of plans my friends. 
For this week's SMART run - we are going to be doing some sprint work at the Washington Lee High School Track. 
If you are running with me, meet at the track. We are going to get started circa 0900hrs.
Bring some type of carbohydrate-savvy substance for you to replenish with prior to the main WOD at 1000hrs.

It'll be a "wham-bam" workout.

Sprints are an awesome way to increase speed! Out-freakin-standing! 
Did you know that sprint-induced fatigue is actually caused by a by-product of lactic acid named we know as the "hydrogen ion"? Here we were [blaming lactic acid] for your failures when the real culprit is this positively-charged asshole ---> hydrogen ion!

Tell you more? Sure thing buddy:

When you run hard-faster than 5-K race pace-hydrogen ions accumulate in your muscle cells, which causes an increase in intracellular acidity *sad face*. Since muscles don't function well in an acidic state, muscle contraction becomes impaired and fatigue quickly follows, then you start sucking more and more. Our bodies have the natural ability to buffer, or neutralize, these hydrogen ions (to a certain degree). This buffering capacity can be improved through high-intensity training-workouts featuring lots of short, fast repeats with limited recovery-which, in turn, can boost performance in hard efforts. Have I sold this well enough? 

Its a wonderful of cycle bitches. In essence, the better you buffer hydrogen ions, the faster and longer you can sprint without tiring or run your other races with increased ease (comparably). You also have to take your lactic acid shuttle into consideration, the more of these type of workouts you do - your body increases its ability to breakdown lactic-acid and use it as creatinine-pronase (which is the compound that makes muscle fiber impulses fire). 
What the shit does that mean? Ok, ok, ok - I'm getting too technical here. Ask me more and I'll tell you more. 
Bring your asses to the track and put in some work.

I can't tell you how much you mean to me . . . . . 
(it may hurt your feelings)