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01 July 2015

Post-Training Protein. Do it. Do it now.

protein powder
Are you killing  training but still not quite reaping the rewards you desire? Well, do we hear your shaker cup post-WOD? If you want those gains I would advise you to holla at some recovery protein (or as I like to call it, bro-lectrolytes). One often-overlooked way to making stronger "Gains" (read as: greater results from your efforts, building muscle, looking better, improving your numbers, etc) is through the simple addition of one item to your routine - protein.
You've probably heard that protein is a much-needed nutrient for Gains. Proteins are made of amino acids, small building blocks necessary for synthesizing muscle. You probably have not heard reference to the “anabolic window” - this is a period of time post-workout that leads to the best recovery. Usually this time frame is up to an hour after training. Your intake during this time is important. Consuming protein after training can help amplify your results and aid in recovery as well. Don't get me wrong, your overall objective should always be having well rounded meals as nothing can replace consuming healthy whole foods - however, to make the most of your training, you need some supplements. Below I give you reasons for taking protein and most even have some links to back me up. Get yo learn on!

Taking supplemental protein will prevent your body from using its own muscle tissue for energy and help encourage muscle synthesis. Translation: better results and faster recovery.

The presence of muscle tissue burns more calories - even when you're at rest - than body fat. 10lbs of muscle can use 50 calories in a day spent at rest, while 10 pounds of fat would burn 20 calories. At rest! All you have to do is continue existing. In addition to this fat is used as energy before muscle is. Boom!

Consuming post-workout protein yields increases in fat-free mass and muscle strength. Protein builds protein.  #nobrainer

Hungry? Don't have a snickers bar. Have a protein shake - not only will protein reduce your hunger, chances are it will lead you to make better choices once you finally get a meal in.

Long are the days when a shake tasted like 1 part chocolate, 1 part chalk, 1 part sadness, and 2 parts ass (that is never an acceptable ratio). There are some very tasty proteins out there now.

Are you feeling stressed? Put the beer down. That is empty calories that your body can do nothing with. Protein (specifically whey) contains some tryptophan and other amino acids which can raise brain serotonin activity, reduces cortisol concentration, and improves mood under stress. Instead of drowning your sorrows in booze, opt for a refreshing protein shake.
Want to improve your immune system? Since your immune system is made up of proteins and relies on new protein synthesis to function, it’s no surprise that getting too little protein in your diet can weaken your immune system.

I would never steer you wrong... would I?

- Coach Manrique
Stay tuned for more information regarding protein, including: the anabolic window, an overview of what type of proteins to take, and how much it too much.

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