I like to WOD, I like to cook and eat, and I like to talk all sorts of whatever.
If you're looking for run WODs, foodstuffs, sparse "sciency" info
(typically r/t exercise and physiology) and random soap-boxing....
read on, bitches:

17 June 2014

Not Giving 100% -or- Why I May Have Come Across Like a Dick the Other Day

The other day, I chose to address an afternoon class with a simple statement:
I said, "Raise your hand if you gave 100% today during the WOD?". About half of the people raised their hand instantly - not surprising to me. I then said, "if you gave it an all out effort" - a couple hands start to slink down; "if you could not have gone any faster than you just did" - more hands creep lower and lower; "if you left it all out on the floor and have nothing left in the tank" - no hands left in the air, bewildered looks from some. I then went on a mild diatribe in which I asked you guys to always strive to give 100% in your WODs. That night I went home and thought about my words and the glare that I received from some of you.

My intention truly was not, I repeat - NOT, to call anyone out. I wasn't accusing anyone of sandbagging, nor I am telling you that what you are giving during the classes is not good enough. Overall I think you're all doing a great job at the box. Many of you have been setting PR's like crazy, you are definitely achieving higher levels of fitness (when compared to when you first joined), and there is a noticeable difference in your progress. . . . but I do believe that you can do just a little bit better. I asked if you gave 100% for a reason.

Wait, let me backtrack a bit so that I can explain what prompted this question in the first place.

* Flashback Time*

I knew when I programmed the Conditioning portion of Monday, the Man Maker/Woman Maker WOD (MWM), that it was going to be rough as hell. Many, if not most, of the Conditioning pieces that I program have been done by either myself or someone(s) - yes, I guinea pig myself and occasionally others - so that I know what to expect out of the Conditioning pieces and how it will treat you. I call it, my R&D WODs. Why do I call it that? Possibly because it makes me feel cool. That shit sounds cool, right? It sounds way better than "WOD testing".

 *Shit, stop, I am getting sidetracked*.

OK, I knew (because of reasons) that Monday's MWM's WOD was gonna be killer. I knew because I, myself, was floored after doing the MWMs WOD last month. After finishing it, I laid on the ground for a while and allowed many thoughts to populate my adorable little mind. Thoughts like:
- Why the hell would I put myself through this? Am I a workout masochist?
- My freaking hands hurt.
- I can't wait to program this WOD for my peoples.
- My Saturday nights are kinda weird... but at least I have clothes on this time.

You know what I wanted to do once I was done with the WOD? Nothing; I wanted to do not nothing and it was the best idea I'd had all day.

*Flashback Complete*

So imagine my surprise when I saw people finishing the workout and then either chat pleasantly among each other or ambulate about without heavy breathing which would be indicative of going "HAM" on a WOD like the MWM's one.

I truly believe that a Strength and Conditioning Program like the one we have necessitates a high effort on your behalf. You come to us for fitness and to be better versions of yourselves through it. We offer you high levels of fitness and the capacity to improve your life with it. Those changes that you want are earned by working harder, by lifting heavier, by moving faster, by pushing yourself further (and farther) than you may want. Your 100% may change from day to day, but your ability to deliver it should not.

**It is worth noting that safety takes precedence and there will be no point in time in which any of your coaches will find it acceptable for you to sacrifice form and function for speed and reps. Always be smart, never lift/WOD with your ego, you know better than that. Also, I am not looking for you to puke all over the gym, I am looking for you to get to that threshold of physical exertion in which you are operating at the highest level while not going beyond the metaphorical "Red-Line" **

Yes, I know that we are just exercising and I hope to never lose sight of that... but CrossFit can be more than that. Our program can teach you to not accept anything but the best, it can teach you that we can be mentally tough as we push ourselves when things get difficuly, it provides higher thresholds in your levels of comfort, and much more. However, bitches, you have to be willing to work for it. CrossFit is constantly varied and highly intense. If you want results, you will need to work for them. Rule # 1!

Let me end with this:
I did not say what I did nor write this blog post to castigate any person(s). I said that/did this to remind you monkeys that you must earn your progress. Showing up is not enough. Your results are directly correlated to your effort. If you are satisfied with your efforts as they stand, then good for you - keep doing what you are doing. How-freakin-ever, every single rep that you skip and/or every bit of effort that you do not give, affords you less and less opportunity to complain about not seeing/exhibiting the results you want. You can not give partial effort and expect all the results. Fuck that, son, you have not earned those results. Don't get it mistaken, I love you guys... well, most of you.... umm, some of you... OK, lets just say that I do not hate any of you (except for Connor - he's the worst) so I lost sleep, thinking about my day and then writing this post, to let you know that you are capable of more. I challenge you after every workout to take the time to think "could I have done better?", and if there is any doubt in your mind that you gave it your all... guess what? - you probably could have. Most import of all, I want you to know that when you step into my box, and you show me 100%, I will give you 100% of me - bank on that shit!

El Leon Negro

PS - Upcoming Post Topics include: "Sandbagging", "Red-Lining", "Program Deviation"
Let me know which you would like for me to address first.


  1. You come off like a dick.... Because you are one.

    1. Yeah, I am going to make an effort to be less of a dick to people.
      It's a work in progress.
