I like to WOD, I like to cook and eat, and I like to talk all sorts of whatever.
If you're looking for run WODs, foodstuffs, sparse "sciency" info
(typically r/t exercise and physiology) and random soap-boxing....
read on, bitches:

04 June 2010

SAT, 05 June 2010


Good question, although I may have answered this before - kinda, sorta, not really . . . . . .

Explosive plyometric moves -
Skipping, high knee lifts, butt kicks, and running stairs. Better yet - These can and will enhance the strength, size, and definition of your lower-body muscles *insert wolf-whistle here*. 
The push-off force and wide range of motion demanded by these drills stress the muscles more than regular running.
Expect these variations as time progresses.

Combining Hills and speed workouts also develop definition, but keep in mind that we did that last week. Unless you didn't show up.

This Saturday's prescription is an easy one to follow. The regular Saturday CrossFit Arlington WOD. 
Yes, boys and girls, it is that easy. This Saturday's WOD is inspired by running drills that I do with my clients. So bring your silly ass in.
Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Ok, I'm not really a doctor, I am a nurse. . . . but I am a beast. 
Therefore, I expect you here and I expect you to give it some substantial effort. 
No excuses. No sandbagging.
Also, I will be at the BOX (CrossFit Arlington Gym) on Saturday (05 June) assessing running forms while you are working out/running like a maniac.

See you monkeys at 1000hrs, or 1100hrs (whatever).

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an awesome workout! Too bad I'm not signed up for crossfit. If you let me know what the Saturday WOD is, I'll plan do it on my own at the Mall.
