I like to WOD, I like to cook and eat, and I like to talk all sorts of whatever.
If you're looking for run WODs, foodstuffs, sparse "sciency" info
(typically r/t exercise and physiology) and random soap-boxing....
read on, bitches:

18 June 2010

SAT, 19 June 2010

Alright bitches, Run training is back like a big mac attack and in full effect. This weekend promises some amazing weather, and we, like true psychos, are going to be out there pounding some pavement. Before I hit you with this SMART run plan, I want you to get your learn 'on. You may already know some of the following info, however, you should read on (mostly, because I said so)

START SLOW: Runners returning to action often carry extra weight, which puts more stress on the body. To avoid injury caused by that stress, run no more than 20 to 30 consecutive minutes for a couple of weeks.

JOIN A GROUP: Athletes respond best when they return to a team setting. For my runners, their teammates may be running longer and faster, but many have made their own comebacks. Even spending the first few minutes of the workout with the group helps returning runners realize that they, too, will eventually regain their fitness. Like I said - for now, this run group is free to your friends that are not members of CFA - so you're more than welcome to bring them along.

GO AEROBIC: Think of aerobic easy running as the foundation of your ultimate fitness. The more fit you want to be, the greater the foundation you must build. Just as Rome was not built in a day, reestablishing your base after a long break can take months. As you advance from 20  and 30 minutes a day, increase your runs by no more than one mile per workout. This mostly pertains to the ones of you that want to work on aerobic capacity. These long runs will occur outside of the run group as I will be focusing on increasing Lactic-Acid Threshold and your body's ability to metabolize via the Lactic-Acid shuttle. (no I didn't fabricate this - look it up if you doubt me!)

RECOVER WELL: Run every other day (TOPS!) for the first few weeks. Rest days reduce the risk of injuries. I rarely run on two consecutive days. To be quite honest, I average about 3 runs per week. Your joints need that rest. Train Smart!

CROSS-TRAIN: Gradually change your recovery days from rest only to cross-training days. It will help build your aerobic development without increasing your injury risk. If you aren't doing CrossFit WODs, there are innumerable options for your punk ass -  for 30 to 60 minutes ride a bicycle, do pool running in deep water, chase chicken in a farm, whatever!

RACE SPARINGLY And only when the result will be encouraging. You don't have to be ready to run a new PR, but you don't want to end up being discouraged by your performance, either. Avoid comparing your results with those from before your layoff. Say to yourself: "That's the fastest I've run since I made my comeback!"

Very basic tips, yes. Now let's move on to the good stuff. . . . .

Get your mind right, for it is another epic battle in the war between us and..... 
(cue the intense music) 

I always attack them and they always destroy me! 
It's like a crazy ex-girlfiend - As soon as I forget how terrible the relationship was, she comes back into my life, I say "why not?", have another go at it, and I end up exhausted, demoralized, and curious as to why the hell I would put myself through such torture again (again, again, ....again)!
Still, it is great training and I'm all for it. So lace up your kicks and meet me at the Box shortly before 0900hrs. The feets start movin' at 0900hrs, so be adequately stretched and hydrated by then. The total amount of running to take place will be a bit less than 4 miles. If you really want to do less than that you can meet us at the stairs circa 0920hrs (park in Gtown, park in Rossyln, ride your bike, whatevs). 

If I were any cooler, I'd be twins!

04 June 2010

SAT, 05 June 2010


Good question, although I may have answered this before - kinda, sorta, not really . . . . . .

Explosive plyometric moves -
Skipping, high knee lifts, butt kicks, and running stairs. Better yet - These can and will enhance the strength, size, and definition of your lower-body muscles *insert wolf-whistle here*. 
The push-off force and wide range of motion demanded by these drills stress the muscles more than regular running.
Expect these variations as time progresses.

Combining Hills and speed workouts also develop definition, but keep in mind that we did that last week. Unless you didn't show up.

This Saturday's prescription is an easy one to follow. The regular Saturday CrossFit Arlington WOD. 
Yes, boys and girls, it is that easy. This Saturday's WOD is inspired by running drills that I do with my clients. So bring your silly ass in.
Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Ok, I'm not really a doctor, I am a nurse. . . . but I am a beast. 
Therefore, I expect you here and I expect you to give it some substantial effort. 
No excuses. No sandbagging.
Also, I will be at the BOX (CrossFit Arlington Gym) on Saturday (05 June) assessing running forms while you are working out/running like a maniac.

See you monkeys at 1000hrs, or 1100hrs (whatever).